Let Crest take your appraisal process to the highest peaks.


arrow Setting the standard for customer service, professionalism, accuracy, and timeliness.

arrow Combined 45+ years specializing in residential real estate appraisal.

arrow Experience, leadership, management, compliance and process.

arrow Currently licensed in:

California [CA: 3011147]
Florida [FLA: MC440]
Georgia [GA: 332]
Nevada [AMC.0001235]
North Carolina [NC-1272]
Oregon [OR: AM-251]
South Carolina [SC: 197]
Texas [TX 2000345]
Washington [WA: 24006984]


Why use Crest AMC.
Smiling female
  • 98% on time delivery
  • Cutting edge technology
  • Customary and reasonable fees for appraisers and borrowers
  • Staff Appraiser on hand for complex and unique appraisal assignments

What Our Clients Say.

You're In Good Company.

Valutrac Summit Funding, Inc.